• The brain is dynamic and capable of adapting to change following injury to the brain or spinal cord.
  • Employing a problem solving  approach, adapting treatment to patients symptoms according to  injury
  • Encouraging whatever movement is possible and building on it, through; strengthening, sensory stimulation and verbal feedback.
  • Encouragement of normal movement and function
  • Correcting and varying positioning and posture in lying, sitting and standing
  • Promotion of functional activities based around daily tasks
  • Use of verbal and visual prompts to encourage the patient to think about task and learn from treatment
  • Prevention of muscle shortening as this leads to spasticity and abnormal movement.
  • Using a team approach to the rehabilitation of patients
  • Implementation of realistic goals that are measured and time-framed.
  • Actively engaging the patient in treatment sessions
  • Achieving as great a degree of independence and quality of life possible

Benefits of Neurological Physiotherapy

  • Make movements easier to achieve goal 
  • Retrain normal patterns of movement
  • Improve ability with everyday activities
  • Increase muscle strength 
  • Increase range of movement 
  • Improve gross of fine motor skills
  • Improve posture
  • Increase balance
  • Lengthen tight muscles to help decrease spasticity and reduce contractures  
  • Increase fitness levels and endurance
  • Help problems with breathing
  • Reduce risk of chest infections
  • Reduce risk of falling 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Relieve pain 
  • Increase independence 
  • Achieve maximum potential


Neurorehabilitation offers a series of therapies from physiotherapy, and speech  therapy, psychological therapies, occupational therapies, teaching or re-training patients on mobility skills, communication processes, and other aspects of that person’s daily routine. Neurorehabilitation also provides focuses on nutrition, psychological, and creative parts of a person’s recovery. These treatments allow  individual and that person’s family to live the most normal, independent life possible.